School Dinners
From 4th November, our school meal provider will be The Pantry.
You can visit their website here:
Our school meal provider is Edwards and Ward.
You can visit their website here:
To ensure that our school meal menus achieve nutritional balance the school meal provider is advised by Dr Juliet Gray, a registered public health nutritionist and well-respected expert in the field of nutrition and dietetics. Our school lunches have total compliance with the Government's nutrient-based standards for maintained primary, secondary and special schools. Our aim is to be responsible rather than faddy and to develop menus that take account of healthy eating guidelines - encouraging children to consume the Government-recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables each day.
Packed Lunches
In order to ensure that packed lunches are healthy we ask parents to follow the following guidelines: For a balanced packed lunch, your child should be eating a selection of foods from each of these healthier food and drink groups. We will be monitoring the packed lunches to ensure that children have:
- at least one portion of fruit and one portion of vegetables every day.
- meat, fish (including oily fish such as salmon, twice a week maximum) or another source of non-dairy protein (e.g. lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, hummus, falafel) every day.
- a starchy food such as any type of bread, pasta, rice, couscous, noodles, potatoes or other type of cereal
- dairy food such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, Fromage Frais or custard. Water, unsweetened pure fruit juice or milk.
These foods will not be allowed in packed lunches because they are especially high in fat, sugar or salt:
Please note in the Summer Term: No drinks will be allowed in packed lunches, children will be provided with drinking water on their tables. |
Free School Meals
Please check your eligibility for Free School Meals at the following website:
If you are eligible you will be able to claim free school meals. You should do this even if your child is currently in Reception, year 1 or year 2 and currently receives a free lunch. The school receives extra funding for every child that is registered for free school meals. This is called the Pupil Premium.
Children may choose to have a school cooked lunch or a home packed lunch.
We aim to ensure our school lunches provide a varied and balanced diet that should help children to learn or work to the best of their abilities. We provide parents who choose the home-packed lunch option guidelines for their choice of home-packed lunches. All parents who are eligible for free school meals should contact the school office to ensure that they receive their entitlement.
Telephone: 01322 356019